Today the five day auction for my old mobile phone ended, with me $160 better off. These bucks were destined to be for my ipad fund, but I got a little side tracked when I bumped into a website professing to sell good replica designer hand bags. Well!!!! I may as well be comfortable whilst I wait for that ipad to fall from the sky, and besides I will need some manner of transport for it when it arrives, and what better than a lovely Dolce and Gabbana hand bag.
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My new bag. |
Isn't it nice? and at a bargain $27 who can quibble about the quality. Though I have been stung before purchasing from unknown Chinese websites, but this one had Paypal! and I am a big fan, infact I refuse to purchase anything online unless I can pay with Paypal. They ensure that if you don't get your goods you'll get your money back, and this has been the case for me on a couple of occasions.
So that is my little splurge for today, here's hoping it arrives before Christmas and at a time when my husband is not around, (doesn't view a bargain the same as me).
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