Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Shopping Online

Search Amazon.com for replica handbags

Ah the joys of the modern age, to be able to spend money you havn't yet earnt without even leaving your bed.  I am a great lover of online shopping, this all started with eBay of course, quite addictive it is. It's so lovely to recieve things in the mail from far away places. I've bought everything from make up to medicine, clothing to cars. I've also sold a few things as well, I often think there is good money to be made trawling second hand shops for name brand items and selling them on eBay.
 Today the five day auction for my old mobile phone ended, with me $160 better off. These bucks were destined to be for my ipad fund, but I got a little side tracked when I bumped into a website professing to sell good replica designer hand bags. Well!!!! I may as well be comfortable whilst I wait for that ipad to fall from the sky, and besides I will need some manner of transport for it when it arrives, and what better than a lovely Dolce and Gabbana hand bag.

My new bag.

Isn't it nice? and at a bargain $27 who can quibble about the quality. Though I have been stung before purchasing from unknown Chinese websites, but this one had Paypal! and I am a big fan, infact I refuse to purchase anything online unless I can pay with Paypal. They ensure that if you don't get your goods you'll get your money back, and this has been the case for me on a couple of occasions.

So that is my little splurge for today, here's hoping it arrives before Christmas and at a time when my husband is not around, (doesn't view a bargain the same as me).

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