Monday, October 4, 2010

The Ironing is done

It's a true tale of domestic bliss, the washing is all up to date with a load in the dryer and another in the wash, the floors are swept and benches wiped but best of all the ironing is done. It's not that I dislike ironing, quite to the contrary I enjoy ironing, a large basket of crinkled clothing is a great excuse to stay indoors and watch Foxtel. I just happen to have the worlds coolest iron, it's a very sexy steam station. Yes I said sexy, though it does look rather intimidating to the untrained eye, since it is rather large as it sits upon my bench top adjacent to the ironing board, but it is a marvel of modern technology, to be correct it is actually a Tefal Pro Express Turbo Steam Station, it actually heats the water than injects piping hot steam at demand thru the iron. This means I only have to iron one side of everything, some things I just hang and steam directly as they sit, beautiful!!
I purchased this wonder out of sheer jealousy when a friend suggested she had a Jan Star steam ironing board, it sucks the garments to the board apparently and also has the continuous heated steam of the steam station, but at $2500 it was a little more than my housewife's budget could afford. So after a little research (love the Internet) I found the Tefal. Jealousy over and abated I don't care if my board doesn't suck and blow, (though I'm sure these are admirable qualities) It does a great job in half the time. So if your hunting for a life preserving house hold tool may I recommend the Tefal.
Hang on tho before you go rushing out to buy one, there is always something that's not so perfect. This isn't actually my first steam station. The first one I purchased died fifteen months after buying it, I was devastated to say the least, so I called the store only to find out the warranty was only for 12 months and I would have to foot the bill for repairs, not happy but desperate I lugged my some what large iron to the repairer and after paying my non refundable $50 was told it had died a calcium clogged death and was unrepairable. Then I got a little cranky and called Tefal, who came to their senses fairly quickly when I mentioned the Consumer protection laws and replaced my iron with the newer, better model, bless their cotton socks.

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