Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cleaning cheaply and safely.

My first Enjo party has turned me into a hippie, I have invested in a plethora of Enjo cloths, mops, and non toxic cleaners, and taken the advice of the young Enjo rep to stop using fabric softener. I've been told before that it is bad for my machine and a killer for my ECO MAX septic system, but have risked it for the love of soft fresh clothing. The suggestion I was given was to try white vinegar instead, I was sceptical at first, who wants to smell like I wino when clean, but after the first try I was impressed, the clothes are still soft, and actually smell quite nice. Not to mention the super saving from $4.00 a bottle to $1.00. This little savings prompted me to look a little further into the world of make your own cleaning products. Since I wasn't going to have to use bleaches and disinfectants anymore, (thanks to Enjo) that just left the dish washer, and washing machine powder. After a brief google search I came up with many sites offering recipes for home made cleaners all septic safe and Enjo friendly.

The first was the dish washing powder, I have a Dishlex dual dish drawer and though I love it to death, it becomes temperamental when you use the wrong cleaners in it, tending to over sud and then bleep and flash until it has had dried out. Here's the recipe I have used.
         1 cup Bi carb
         1/4 cup citric acid
         1/4 cup salt
         30 drops of lemon scented oil
 Blend together well and store in a dry place, spoon directly into powder recess of the dishwasher. Wow presto clean, healthy, cheap more can you ask for, Oh and forget that blue window cleaner rinse aid, white vinegar does the same job.

I purchased my ingredients in bulk from a local soap making company, 5kg of Bi carb cost $10, 1kg of citric acid powder was $5.00 and the lemon scented oil, I already had, but most shops sell it.

Next was the washing machine powder, I have a front loader, also not a big fan of suds, but most of the ingredients seemed aimed at softening the water.

      12 cups of borax powder (hardware shop)
      8 cups of baking soda
      8 cups of washing soda (laundry isle)
      8 cups of soap flakes
      Fresh Cotton scented oil to scent.

I didn't follow this to the letter, I had a little of my old washing powder left over so I chucked that in to, I was also worried about to much foam so I skimped on the soap flakes about half. The fresh cotton scent I bought from that same soap supply company, and it is the bomb, my washing smells the best ever.  The most expensive part was the borax powder, but from I understand it is not an essential part and I will leave it out next time.

I got a little arty farty with my new creations, buying metal old fashioned tins to store my new creations in.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Enjo Cleaning

I think I'm a cleaning convert, I went to my first Enjo party only last week, and am now smitten with my love for Enjo. I'm getting old, it's a sign, when cleaning products do it for you that your old!!!

So after attending my first party and getting all hot and bothered about owning my own supply of enjo cleaning products I booked an in house demonstration of my own. I was certain my friends and neighbors would be kicking down my door to buy Enjo and I would reap the benefits of their purchases by getting some on the cheap. Unfortunately not everyone is as old as me :( If they weren't busy feeding the poor, or attending prior planed events most just said "to expensive" or "na it's shit". Even my mother canceled at the last minute coughing down the phone at me. My mother in law just failed to turn up, (not always a bad thing). Fortunately a few people came round so I didn't have to eat all my fattening snacks by my self and thankfully they made a few orders, so I have managed to purchase my desired Enjo mop for a lot less than retail. But I'm very greedy and am eyeing off a few other things.

The tea towels where a must have and I purchased those at the first party I went to. They are huge and super absorbent. The other was the washing liquid, i'm very happy with that too. Still I would like the full bathroom and kitchen range. Ah another reason to live :)


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Radical Replicas from China.

Have you ever wanted that flash name brand bag that the "it" girl has hanging off her arm? "No of course not!" say you, why? I bet the answer is "have you seen how much they are"? So it's not that you wouldn't be seen dead with a luxury bag hanging off your arm or a pair of Gucci slippers, it's the price. No arguments here, I'm the same, only the super rich can afford to be so frivolous with something like a hand bag or pair of shoes just for the name, right? Well, not really. There are actually some very reasonable Knock offs available for purchase on line. One does have to be careful though allot of the best bargains come from China, but it is very hard to gauge quality from a picture especially if the online store is fraudulent and puts a picture of the real thing on their site but sells you a copy. The other danger is of course will I actually receive it. I find Pay Pal is the best way if insuring you get your purchased item, or a full refund. If a store does not have Pay Pal I stay well clear.

Recently I found a site professing to sell great replica handbags and sunglasses and much more at bargain prices and reasonable shipping. I was a little dubious but feeling brave so I made the investment. For $80 AUD I bought a prada handbag and sunglasses and a Dolce Gabbana bag. When they arrived I was quite happy, especially with the Prada bag, it looks and feels like the real thing to me, the sunglasses are also great quality with a wonderful hard case that is very stylish. I was a little disappointed with the Dolce Gabbana it most definitely looks fake the logo is a little misaligned and it has quite a plastic appearance rather than the leather look I would have preferred. The site I visited is called and they support Pay pal. There international shipping was super fast, with my parcel arriving just a week after I purchased it.
 They also offer live assistance which is very helpful. The one negative is they don't have prices on any of there items, you simply add them to your shopping cart then they email you a price, this is because they offer cheaper prices for multiple purchases, so it's a bit of a surprise but quite a nice surprise.

The only major issue with purchasing from China is if they send you the wrong item or it needs to be returned the shipping can be quite horrendous as I have learnt with my imitation Ipad, namely the epad I bought. When it died a week later the company insisted I return it before they would refund my bucks, it cost $45 to post and this is non refundable.
This a shortcut to the site have look.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Shopping Online

Search for replica handbags

Ah the joys of the modern age, to be able to spend money you havn't yet earnt without even leaving your bed.  I am a great lover of online shopping, this all started with eBay of course, quite addictive it is. It's so lovely to recieve things in the mail from far away places. I've bought everything from make up to medicine, clothing to cars. I've also sold a few things as well, I often think there is good money to be made trawling second hand shops for name brand items and selling them on eBay.
 Today the five day auction for my old mobile phone ended, with me $160 better off. These bucks were destined to be for my ipad fund, but I got a little side tracked when I bumped into a website professing to sell good replica designer hand bags. Well!!!! I may as well be comfortable whilst I wait for that ipad to fall from the sky, and besides I will need some manner of transport for it when it arrives, and what better than a lovely Dolce and Gabbana hand bag.

My new bag.

Isn't it nice? and at a bargain $27 who can quibble about the quality. Though I have been stung before purchasing from unknown Chinese websites, but this one had Paypal! and I am a big fan, infact I refuse to purchase anything online unless I can pay with Paypal. They ensure that if you don't get your goods you'll get your money back, and this has been the case for me on a couple of occasions.

So that is my little splurge for today, here's hoping it arrives before Christmas and at a time when my husband is not around, (doesn't view a bargain the same as me).

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Ironing is done

It's a true tale of domestic bliss, the washing is all up to date with a load in the dryer and another in the wash, the floors are swept and benches wiped but best of all the ironing is done. It's not that I dislike ironing, quite to the contrary I enjoy ironing, a large basket of crinkled clothing is a great excuse to stay indoors and watch Foxtel. I just happen to have the worlds coolest iron, it's a very sexy steam station. Yes I said sexy, though it does look rather intimidating to the untrained eye, since it is rather large as it sits upon my bench top adjacent to the ironing board, but it is a marvel of modern technology, to be correct it is actually a Tefal Pro Express Turbo Steam Station, it actually heats the water than injects piping hot steam at demand thru the iron. This means I only have to iron one side of everything, some things I just hang and steam directly as they sit, beautiful!!
I purchased this wonder out of sheer jealousy when a friend suggested she had a Jan Star steam ironing board, it sucks the garments to the board apparently and also has the continuous heated steam of the steam station, but at $2500 it was a little more than my housewife's budget could afford. So after a little research (love the Internet) I found the Tefal. Jealousy over and abated I don't care if my board doesn't suck and blow, (though I'm sure these are admirable qualities) It does a great job in half the time. So if your hunting for a life preserving house hold tool may I recommend the Tefal.
Hang on tho before you go rushing out to buy one, there is always something that's not so perfect. This isn't actually my first steam station. The first one I purchased died fifteen months after buying it, I was devastated to say the least, so I called the store only to find out the warranty was only for 12 months and I would have to foot the bill for repairs, not happy but desperate I lugged my some what large iron to the repairer and after paying my non refundable $50 was told it had died a calcium clogged death and was unrepairable. Then I got a little cranky and called Tefal, who came to their senses fairly quickly when I mentioned the Consumer protection laws and replaced my iron with the newer, better model, bless their cotton socks.