Thursday, June 13, 2013

Growing back my eyebrows week 3

Sigh, this really is taking a long time :( if only it was like that episode of the Simpson's where Homer pulls an insurance scam to get Minoxidil covered on his insurance, you know the one, he wakes up the morning after the first application with a head of long flowing locks. Bloody cartoons! NOT HELPFUL!!!
I am still noticing new growth in my brows, the hairs are very fine and not really filling in the gaps at this stage but I'm hopeful that more will grow. I have resisted the urge to free the tweezers and tidy up around the edges as (like a lawn) hairs are sprouting in less than desirable spots as well. When my six weeks are up I will have them professionally shaped and they can weed out the spares.
I've edited out the rest of my face this week, the closer I bring the camera the worse I look. Can you see a difference yet?

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