Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Growing back my eyebrows,

Fashion is an unstable beast, we all at times are guilty of attempting to dance with the monster. In the 90's I did more than dance. I moved the creature in and gave it a room in my life. Having a relationship with fashion does not have to be a life changing event, so you have a few pictures of your self wearing big shoulder pads with your fringe teased into a huge ball held in place by a whole can of hair spray, for the kids to laugh at. Nothing to damaging we all have a giggle, a good time is had by all.
 As a high school student with (what I thought) was an incredibly unfashionable mother, all of my fashion tips came from TV. Damn you 21 Jump street! you had me walking around like a complete tool, big hair, odd earrings, torn clothes and pencil thin eyebrows! Yep can't even remember which actor wore them that way but at the time I had to have them.
 I wasn't sure how to achieve the look I wanted. so initially I shaved, using the same blade I massacred my legs with, I took to my face with equal zeal. Bit off the top, bit of the sides, a little under there and BAM! pencil eyebrows.
The next day at school an older girl took sympathy on me in the change room after seeing my botch job, she reached into her bag and bought out a pair of tweezers, then with her face one inch from the spotty soap sprayed mirror she demonstrated there use. From this day forward I was hooked! every day I would mange to find a hair or two to remove, though my brows never fully recovered from that first shave.
Now here I am with my forties prancing gleefully in front of me, my tweezers have been stored in the first aid box from whence they came for several years, but my brows have not recovered. It appears eyebrows have a great memory, either that or there to scared to regrow in case they get culled again.
Sigh..... so after a little research, (thank you google gods) I have found some information about how to assist my brows to regrow.
This YouTube video seemed to have the most comprehensive advice,

 As soon as I finished watching this video I got online and purchased the Biotin 5000mg, minoxidil 5% and nice new eyebrow brush. I intend to document my progress over the next 6 weeks, starting with the oh so scary before photo.
OK, so that's my scary mug and my eyebrows, I must say they don't look to bad :) but to be truly honest they are lightly tattooed.
 When the products arrive, I will apply twice a day, and take the supplements.
After a 7 day period I will take a new pic so we can all see if there is any change. Then again after the next 7 days until we get to the estimated 6 week period.

So here's hoping, while I'm waiting I might check the YouTube video's to see if there's a way of making my nose smaller ;)

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